Category: Process

The Scrum of Scrums Approach Lacks Definition

The concept of using Scrum-of-Scrums meetings for large projects following the Scrum approach presents major problems. Mike Cohn has written on the subject. So has Tim Bowler. I think it is more complicated than they suggest. Let’s say you have a project with 100 people assigned. I know 100 people seems like a lot but […]

How to Get a Scrum Project That’s in Trouble, Out

So, your team is using Scrum and it’s not working. Symptoms include the following: Sprints are not delivering the stories as promised. Sprints are taking longer and longer. The number of defects found during testing is high and there’s no time for fixes. Morale is low as the team struggles and becomes argumentative. The natural […]

Make Your Project Approach Sustainable

There Are Many Pitfalls to Agile Adoption Do you want to try Scrum, XP, Kanban or any other agile approach and see how it goes? Great, go for it — just be sure to implement it in a sustainable fashion. Too often, teams try a new approach but don’t prepare fully, don’t execute well, and […]

7 Steps to Active Business Involvement

Getting the business community to actively participate during agile software development can be tough. Hey, they have other things to do and creating software is our job not theirs! Assuming you can get them interested and willing to commit their time, the bigger challenge is keeping them engaged. How do you do that? Encourage feedback […]

Agile Teams Need Agile PMOs

An agile PMO? Sounds like an oxymoron, doesn’t it? PMOs are generally viewed as the project police. They often seem to do everything they can to slow everyone down and promote mediocrity. But wait. Appearances can be deceiving. Let’s start with a definition. What is a PMO? I’m referring to a Project Management Office, also […]

A Quick Rundown of Agile Methodologies

How many agile methodologies are there? If you were to include variations on a theme, I think the number would be almost infinite. Let’s stick to basics. Here’s a brief rundown of the approaches that software development teams can use to be agile: Scrum – Probably, the most widely used agile approach — if you […]

Projects Should Start With a Plan Not a Story

Let’s say that you’ve just been assigned a new project. It is just the kind of project you would like to do. It looks like the business folks are on board and ready to provide support and, most importantly, funding. What now? Where do you begin? You could start identifying the people you’ll need to […]

Take a Simple Quiz, Learn About Being Agile

James Shore and Shane Warden developed a self-assessment quiz for software development teams. It is included in their book, The Art Of Agile Development. Most of us seem to like surveys, quizzes, and questionnaires. They often help us gather our thoughts and explore topics in greater depth. The downside is their superficial nature. It’s hard […]

Keep the Business Engaged to Avoid Premature ‘Done’

Agile teams should deliver working software after each sprint. Sounds good. What does it really mean? Ideally, the team should be delivering value to the business with each sprint. Of course, the term value is equally obscure. Ultimately, what works or has value is up to the end users to decide. Obviously, they don’t understand […]

Agile Battleground – Scrum vs. XP

Agile software development goes by many aliases… Scrum Kanban eXtreme Programming (XP) Test-Driven Development Feature-Driven Development Agile Unified Process Open Unified Process Lean Software Development I’m sure I missed a few but you get the idea. There are many flavors of agile. It’s not surprising that there is controversy among agilists resulting in strong disagreements […]

Self-Organizing Team or Self-Destructive Team?

Agile teams must be self-organizing. You hear it all the time. Self-organizing. What does that mean? If you’re a paranoid manager, it means that the team plans to run wild and do whatever they want, however they want. That’s not self-organized, it’s anarchy. If you’re a crazed product stakeholder, it means the team is going […]

Sponsorship + Momentum = Agile Success

Some agile projects are doomed from the start. They simply cannot get going. The team brainstorms with the business folks, defines requirements, creates mock-ups, conducts feedback sessions — then repeats the process again and again. They have paved the road to nowhere. How does this happen? How can a team of software engineers and managers […]

Sprint Results Are Not Releases

In agile software development, it’s widely believed that every Scrum sprint should result in software that is ready to ship. The theory is that the team will be able to stop or suspend development at the end of any sprint and ship the software to the end users. This means that the team is always […]

Enthusiasm Delivers Results (if you’re agile)

One of the big challenges on any major software project is maintaining a high level of enthusiasm. When the team and the stakeholders are enthusiastic, ideas flow and things happen. Enthusiasm creates energy. One of the reasons agile software development is successful is its ability to maintain a high level of enthusiasm within the team. […]

Agile and Big Companies Don’t Mix

The agile approach to software development has difficulty succeeding in big companies. This seems odd and almost counter intuitive but is simple to explain. Big companies establish lots of policies and procedures. They are constantly in search of the cookie-cutter approach to solving problems and building things. Big companies are focused on performance and scalability. […]

Scrum’s Popularity Has Its Price

Agile software development has massively increased in popularity over the last decade. Scrum, in particular, has attracted enormous attention. That’s the good news. The downside shows itself when teams adopt agile methods and cut corners. They skimp on training and coaching. They leave out techniques they don’t like. They add elements from waterfall that are […]

Gantt Charts Offer the Illusion of Control

Agile software development is often criticized for lack of detailed plans and associated control points. Many managers would like to see gantt charts for agile projects containing carefully laid out tasks and deliverables. Yes, the gantt chart is the ultimate project planning tool. Why? Because it offers the illusion of control. Have you ever taken […]

Accurate Software Estimates — Impossible?

Estimating is hard. Hours, days, dollars, story points, function points, use case points, lines of codes … whatever — they are all tough. The only reliable estimates are based on prior experience. If you have never performed a task before there is simply no way to estimate how long it will take YOU. 3 people […]